~salam pembuka bicara~

~salam pembuka bicara~

Sunday, September 13, 2009

~Dear Brothers & Sisters in ISLAM~

In the Name of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful

We praise Allah (SWT) for there is no god but Him. May the peace and
blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad, who was sent as a mercy to all of
humanity, upon his family, companions and on all those who hold fast to
the Deen, until the Day of Judgement.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, 

please always remember that we are
Muslims through Allah (SWT)’s mercy and should away feel humbled by
this privilege:
"And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allâh likes not each arrogant boaster.” 
(Al-Qur’an 13:8)

Insya’Allah through worshiping Allah (SWT) and attaining knowledge that
is of benefit, we all can develop a love for the Deen which motivates us to
follow it in the best manner and share it with others who are not aware of
its beauty.
Do not lower your motivates to struggle in this way…
Bear in your mind that Allah always be there with us..
We hope that insya Allah du’at will understand why Da’wah is an
important part of the Deen and you they can effectively present it to others.
Ummah is facing the illness, ummah is sick,ummah is terrible..
wake up now1..from your sweet dream..time is keeping fast of running.
Then, you stand up one by another side,
Yes!We are the Ummah vision...bring the dignity and honoured of our Truth Path..deen..
strive and struggle till your last breath..
Matrydom in HIS way is achieving goal..by the Will of Al Mighty One.

Dear Brothers and sisters in Islam, 
We are the new generation of the ummah, we are the hopes of the ummah to build the nation and strengthen the deen. 
Islam need us, Islam care about us, don’t left behind..move forward!
Prepair your self, equip with  sword of spirit & bulk of knowledge..

  Please pardon us if any mistakes have been made and May Allah (SWT)
forgive us for our errors and our sins, hidden and known.

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