Islam has already precribed clearly in the Qur'an on how to deal with other people in their daily life. There are some verses related toward other religion which is provided substantial references concerning other religions and use some word referring to others people like Ahl Kitab,Al yahud and Annasoro .
The Holy Qur'an addresses some themes that related to beliefs and communities other than Islam. It may classified to five themes which are Scriptures and Holy Texts, Faith and Aqidah, Ritual and Law, Missionary and social life and Historical events and narratives.
1) Scriptures and holy text (kutub and suhuf),the verse that related is "The books of Abraham and Moses"(87: 19).Through this verse we understand that Allah mentioned about the ancient scriptures of Abraham and Moses. The truth is one and the faith is one , the messengers deliver basically the same message and simple truth .
2) Faith and belief ('aqidah and iman), in verse 62, chapter 2, Allah has mentioned; "Those who are believe (in the Qur'an) And those who follow the Jewish(scriptures), And the Christians and the Sabians, And who believe in Allah, And the Last Day, And work righteousness, Shall have their reward, With their Lord; on them. Shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve". From this verse, we clearly understand that Islam does not preach an exclusive doctrine, and is not meant exclusively for one people . The Jew claimed themselves as the Chosen People and the Christian in their origin were a sect of the Jew. The attitude of Islam is entirely different. Islam existed before the preaching of Muhammad PBUH on this earth as a deen of fitrah.
3) Ritual and Law also discussed in the Qur'an about others religion. In chapter 5, verse 5:"This day are(all) things Good and pure made lawful unto you. The food of the People of the book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them.(Lawful unto you in marriage)are(not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among The people of the Book …….". Islam is not exclusive. Social intercourse, like inter- marriage is permitted with the People of the book .
4) In the Qur'an also addresses about other religions in the missionary and social life; "Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom And beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious, for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His path, and who receive guidance"(16:125). Islam always encourage us to do good and ethical in dealing with other people especially in field of Da'wah to the non Muslim and shows the best example to them. There is no compulsion in religion: "There no compulsion in religion, the right direction is henceforth distinct from error…(2:256)".
5) There are also related verse in the Qur'an that mentioned about the historical events and narratives by which near to religious significance and influence religious conception. For instance, the story of Adam and Eve, Jesus's birth, life, Prophet Moses, original sin and so on. In chapter 53:38-39,"That no laden one shall bear another's load(38). And that man hath only that for which he maketh effort (39)". This verse address the Original Sin in Christianity and The Qur'an encounter back the issue. In deed, Islam not exclusive religion, and acknowledge the existents of other peoples in their own belief and practices.Islam brings a comprehensive message and universal guidance to all mankinds.
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