The Story of Prophet Adam in the Qur’an and Bible: PART 1
The story of Adam and Eve appeared in the three Semitic religions. Muslims regard Adam as the first prophet, in the Hebrew (Judaism) scripture they regard Adam as the first origin of man that created in the image of God. Paul of Tarsus presents Jesus Christ as a new Adam who brings life instead of death. There are similarities the story of Adam in The Qur’an and Bible, but there can be found also the major differences in the both scriptures.
In Christianity, we can found the story of Adam in Genesis, chapter 1 till 5. In Genesis 1, God creates humans "male and female" in His image, and gives them dominion over the living things He has created, and commands them to "be fruitful and multiply”.
“Let us make a man, someone like ourselves…” (Gen, 1:26),(Gen, 1:27)
In Genesis 2, God fashioning a man from the dust and blowing life into his nostrils.
“God formed a mans body from the dust of the ground.” (Genesis, 2:7)
God plants a garden (the Garden of Eden) and sets the man there, to work it and watch over it and permitting him to eat of all the trees in the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." (Genesis 2:17)
Then God creates the animals, attempting to find a help-mate for the man; but none of the animals are satisfactory, and so God causes the man to sleep, and creates a woman from his rib.
"God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam... and He took one of his ribs... and made He a women" (Gen. 2:22)
Before the creation of Eve, “man” was neither man nor female.Jesus replied about when God’s reign would come,: “when the two become one… and the male with the female neither male nor female
In Genesis 3, The serpent (snake) temps the woman to eat from the forbidden tree, telling her that it will not lead to death, it will aspired to become like God, and to have knowledge like God. She succumbs, and gives the fruit to the man, who eats also, (Gen,3:2-6). Aware now of their nakedness, they make coverings of fig leaves, and hide from the sight of God,( Gen, 3:7) .When God asked Adam whether he had eaten from the forbidden tree, he evaded his responsibility, and put the blame on his wife (Genesis 3:12). So he disturbed the marital relationship between himself and his wife. Similarly, Eve instead of admitting her guilt put the blame on the serpent. God, perceiving that they have broken His command, curses them with hard labour and with pain in childbirth, and banishes them from His garden.(Gen,3:16-17). God pronounced the consequences of their actions upon the serpent, and upon Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:9-19). He also dismissed them from the garden.
In Genesis 4-5, give the story of Adam and Eve's family after they leave the garden: they have three children, Cain, Abel and Seth.The position of disobedience was transferred to Adam’s seed. This is obvious in Cain’s envy of his brother Abel, because God accepted his brother’s offering, but not his. Therefore his heart was full of resentment. Although God had warned Cain against the sin that awaited him, he proceeded to kill his brother (Genesis 4:3-10).Adam's lifespan is 930 years, (Gen,5:3-5)
to be continued...
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