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Sunday, November 8, 2009

The of Adam in The Qur'an & Bible Part 2..

      Likewise in the Quran, the setting and background is quite same with what had been stated in The Bible. Al-Quran narrates many features of Prophet Adam A.S., including his creation, which is mentioned in many verses. These verses describe how he was created, and the substance God used for this purpose.
Firstly, Allah created Adam from the clay. The matter or the substance that Allah used in order to create Prophet Adam is clay. It is clearly stated in Surah 38 verse number 71:-

" اذ قال ربك للملاءكته اني خالق بشرا من طين "

“Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: I am about to create man from clay…”

There are also other verses that related to the creation of Adam. For example, Ar-Rahman: 14, Al-Hijr: 28-29, As-Sajdah: 7, As-Saffat: 11 and Ali-Imran: 58-59.
Regarding to the creation of Prophet Adam by clay, there is one hadis reported by Imam Ahmad stated that Rasulullah S.A.W. said, Allah created Adam A.S from the different types of clay that had been taken by the Angel from all around the world. Because of that historical event, it brings the effect to all of the children of Adam A.S who born with various colors of skin.
Secondly, Allah S.W.T. created Prophet Adam with his own hand and the word of ‘hand’ here refers to the power of Allah, not the real hand like the hand of His creations. The creation of Prophet Adam by God’s power is clearly stated in Surah 38 verse number 75:-
“(Allah) said: ‘O Iblis! What prevents thee from falling prostrate to one whom I have created with My hands? Art thou too proud or art thou of the high exalted?”

Next, after Allah asked the Angel to take the clay from all around the world and created Prophet Adam from that clay, He blew His own spirit into him and again it is stated in Surah 38 verse number 72. Allah said;

" فاذا سويته ونفخت فيه من روحى فقعوا له سجدين "

“When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him.”
This verse is also same with the verse from Surah 15 verse number 29 which stated that Allah S.W.T. breathed into Adam of His spirit and Abdullah Yusuf Ali has his own opinion on both of these verses. He said that these verses mean that the breathing of God’s spirit into man is like the faculty of God-like knowledge and will, which, if rightly used, would give man superiority over other creatures.
After the creation of Prophet Adam took place, Allah S.W.T. asked the Angels to bow to him and they bowed, except Iblis who did not bow to him because of their arrogance. It is clearly mentioned by Allah in Surah 2 verse number 34:-
" و اذ قلنا للملاءكة اسجدوا لادم فسجدوا الا ابليس ابى واستكبر وكان من الكافرين "

“And behold, We said to the angels: Bow down to Adam and they bowed down. Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: he was of those who reject Faith.”

It is also stated in Surah 15 verses 30 and 31; Allah said:-
"فسجد الملاءكة كلهم أجمعون. الا ابليس أبى أن يكون مع الساجدين"

Apparently, we can see that Iblis’s arrogance had two grounds. First, that man was made from clay while he was made of fire and second, he did not wish to do what others did. But, according to Abdullah Yusuf Ali both grounds were false. It actually was because man had the spirit of God breathed into Adam and contempt of the Angels who obeyed God’s word showed not Iblis’s superiority but his inferiority.

Allah S.W.T. also taught to Prophet Adam the names of things and it refers to the knowledge. Allah said in the Holy Quran Surah 2 verse number 31:-
" و
علم آدم الأسماء كلها ثم عرضهم على الملاءكة..."
“And He taught Adam the nature of all things: then He placed them before the angels, and said: Tell me the nature of these if ye are right.”

According to the book of Tafsir, “the names of things means the inner nature and qualities of things, and things here would include feelings. The particular qualities or feelings which were outside the nature of angels were put by Allah in the nature of man. Man was thus able to love and understand love, and thus plan and initiate, as become the office of vicegerent.”

There are also other interpretations of Al-Asmā’a Kullahā (الأسماء كلها). According to Ibn ‘Abbās,“He taught Adam the names, all of them”, which are the names which mankind is familiar: ‘man’, ‘animal’, ‘earth’, ‘plateau’, ‘sea’, ‘mountain’, ‘donkey’, and all the nations of creatures. Next, we can look into Qatāda’s view, “And He taught Adam the names, all of them”. He taught him the name of everything:‘This is a “mountain”’, ‘this is a “sea”’, and so forth, for everything.
Whereas from Al-Rabi’s opinion; “And He taught Adam the names, all of them”, means the names of the angels but according to Ibn Zaid, “He taught him the names of all” means his offspring. From Tabari’s opinion, the most correct of these views, the closest to what the ostensive meaning of the text indicates to be true, is the view of the one who said that… it means the names of his offspring and the names of the angels and the names of the other kinds of creatures.

The story of Adam in the account of creation Biblical and The Qur'anic perspective, there are several differences and similarities in term of narration as well as the implication. Among those, the similarities are the temptation of serpent, the forbidden fruit, Garden of Eden, Adam is the first created before Eve and falling down to the earth. In fact, the main difference is the forgiveness from God to both of them. In the Old Testament, they were not forgiven.
"And to the man he said:" Because you listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree about which I commanded you, You shall not eat of it, cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life("Gen 3:17)

The development the doctrine of Original sin in Christianity is very significant implication. Everybody is born in the original sin. It is a consequence of primordial disobedience. Therefore, the Christian belief center on the life and teaching of Jesus. They hold that Jesus as the Son of God is both divine and human nature. He suffered and died for the sins of humanity through the crucifixion and resurrected after three days. The coming of Jesus is redemption on the original sin. So, people are being safe and free from the original sin that had punished to Adam in the early time in the paradise.

In contrast, Islam not regards Adam as the cause of original sin like what had been understood by the Christian. Adam and Eve had been accepted their repentance and the punishment to fall them down to earth is as the beginning of human life. Allah gives man the obligation as the servant and vicegerent on the earth. We need to be grateful as best creatures of Allah in this worldly life.

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