~salam pembuka bicara~

~salam pembuka bicara~

Sunday, March 28, 2010

....Mengemis Kasih....

Tuhan dulu pernah aku menagih simpati
Kepada manusia yang alpa jua buta
Lalu terheretlah aku dilorong gelisah
Luka hati yang berdarah kini jadi parah

Semalam sudah sampai kepenghujungnya
Kisah seribu duka ku harap sudah berlalu
Tak ingin lagi kuulangi kembali
Gerak dosa menhiris hati...

Tuhan dosaku menggunung
Tapi rahmat-Mu melangit luas
Harga selautan syukurku
Hanyalah setitis nikmat-Mu di bumi

Tuhan walau taubat sering kumungkir
Namun pengampunan-Mu tak pernah bertepi
Bila selangkah kurapat pada-Mu
Seribu langkah Kau rapat padaKu


Friday, March 12, 2010

The journey does not end here...

Alhamdulillah, let’s pray to Allah SWT for giving us the bounty of Islam and Iman till this precious moment. May Allah forgive all our wrong deeds through this long journey and our life will be blessed by Him. Life is about making decision. We had been given the rational thinking to make the decision accordingly in the light of the Qur’an and The Sunnah. 

Life as university student is most precious, memorable and sweet journey. In fact, spending around six years from the matriculation program till undergraduate level is really meaningful for me. Sincerely, becoming the family of Garden Knowledge and virtues’s is a great opportunity for me. I learned a lot throughout four years period of the studies. Now, there is one more month left ..to leave this my beloved university. Final examination is around the corner. Time is running so fast. I will graduating soon... insya Allah..=)

The journey does not end here. In fact, at the out side, there are many challenges that we will face. Do we really well prepared?. Basically, we live in the comfort zone in which routinely that we do every day ..attending the lecture, doing the assignment, examination, books, notes and many more. Sometimes, student did not know what happen out there. However, those who are grabbing all the opportunities will miss it so much. The quality of student is not merely measured by the how many they gain dean’s list in ever semester and the higher that they achieved in GCPA. But, the issue is that how they put the theory in to the practice. 

Rasullulah SAW said: Knowledge is of two types, one that goes straight from the tongue into heart. This is beneficial and useful knowledge. The other stays upon the tongue and will testify against man in the Court of Allah.” (Narrated by Ad- Darimi)

Therefore, participating in society or club is important platform to enhance our potential and talent. Every body is born to be a leader. We are the vicegerent and the servant of Allah on this earth. In addition, knowledge and skills will develop the personality of the person. The natural talents and personal skill of each student are given ample opportunity to enhance and become useful to the community.Imam al Ghazali said thateducation must not only seek to fill the mind with knowledge, but must, at the same time, stimulate the child’s moral character and stimulate him to the properties of social life.

     Nowadays, the number of students in the higher learning institution either in the public or private is increasing day by day. University did not play a role as factory of producing jobless citizen. But, a university is place that builds the civilization as well as producing the intellectual talent to contribute to the nation and religion. Thus, the process of islamization of knowledge plays a vital role in building a good muslim toward building the khaira’ ummah. Learning is life long process. The more we know the more we want to . It is just like drink water in the sea, the more you drinks the more you feel thirsty.

Education is obligation to all Muslim. Al Attas defined education as a process of instilling something into human beings. In this answer “a process of instilling” refers to the method and the system by which what is called “education” is gradually imparted; “something” refers to the content of what is instilled; “human beings refers to the recipient of both the process and the content. The main function of education in Islamic point of view is to educate the Muslim in the divine religion of Islam, develop them the spirit and ideals of this religion and prepare them for a missionary life in the services of Islam. 

      Indeed, let’s renew our intention in seeking knowledge is not mere to achieve the excellence of the CGPA in order to gain good job, good salary and good life in the future. Not for exam-orinted!But, it is all about to fulfill the obligation as the khalifah and servant of Allah SWT on this earth as well as to gain the Pleasure of Allah in the world and the life of hereafter. Remember, the society needs us afterward. Life after graduation from the university is a long journey regardless it is merely graduation in the worldly life. But the real graduation is when our “answer” will be judge by Allah in the Day of Judgment after we had gone through long the long period of ‘examination”. After it had been analyzed by Him, we will receive our “real scroll”. Is is we will go to the “right” or “left” side?..Hopefully, our deeds will be blessed from Him. Be a good Muslim in giving our contribute for the betterment of ummah.

“The life of the individual depends on the relationship of the body and the soul. The life of the nation depends on the preservation of its traditions and culture. Individual dies if the life flow ceases and nation dies of the ideal of life is ignored"- Dr.Iqbal…

All the best to all my IIUM's friends for this final semester exam...

May Allah's Blessing always with us...

"Usaha+doa+tawakkal= kejayaan"

Strive for the best..(",)

`Final Exam Mode~

Western method....27/3

Tahfiz al Qur'an....2/2

Public Relation...4/4

mOral coDES.....5/4

Written Communication....6/4

Human Relation....8/4


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

...Diari Perjuangan...

ku lakarkan bingkisan coretan ini..
Tabahlah wahai hati...
masalah yang merumitkan,
ujian yang melemahkan, mehnah yg menyusahkan...
bahkan itu semua dijadikan batu loncatan untuk lebih hebat.
Mereka gagah memamah tepunya dengan masalah dan ujian...
Mereka yakin dan redha ujian itulah tanda kasih Ya Rabbul A’lamin...
yg mengiringi langkah perjuangan ini...

Diari perjuangan ini..
Ya, kami yakin dengan Janji itu..
bantulah kamu di jalan Allah..maka Allah akan mempermudahkan
urusan kamu di dunia ini..
Cuma sesekali air mata merembes menerjah pipi,
lambang kekerdilan kudrat seorang hamba..
berdepan dengan 'belaian' PENCIPTA,
sebagai tanda ingatan kpd Nya....

Diari perjuangan ini..
Sahabat yg baik adalah selalu mengingatkan diri kepada Allah,
Hari ini kita bersahabat, esok kita bersahabat
dan selamanya kita bersahabat,
jika hari esok diri ini tiada lagi di dunia ini,
ku tetap mengharapkan kita sama-sama selamat sampai ke sana...
pabila langkah tersungkur..
ku gagahkan langkah lalu mereka memapah
Ku ingin melihat mereka terus tersenyum...
pahit dan suka di harungi bersama...
Indahnya ukhuwah itu...
apabila bertemu dan berpisah kerana Allah..
Jauh tidak gelisah, berpisah tidak gundah...
hati-hati itu yakin akan hikmah Yg Esa...
Halawatul iman mengalir subur di hati-hati dai’e itu,
yang rela berkorban untuk agama tercinta..

Dairi perjuangan ini...
Aqidah tunjang kekuatan, berbuah lah rahmah,
terpancar lah Akhlaq mahmudah...tak kan di biarkan agamaterus di persenda..
Inilah..dugaan dalam mengangkatkan sebuah Izzah,
mempamerkan syiar Islam yg sejati...
Ya Allah kuatkanlah langkah kami di jalan dakwah ini....

Diari perjuangan ini...
Waktu-waktu berlalu tiada terhargakan lantaran waktu
tiada lebih bernilai di maya ini selain waktu yang
kesekian kali membilang hari,
bersyukur kita masih dipinjamkan sedetik waktu..
sedegup nafas dalam mengharungi..
sebuah kembara..permusafiran ini...
meneruskan langkah kaki di medan perjuangan ini...
demi waktu, bisikkanlah ke relung hati,
bahawa warna tua hati menjelang...
ajal itu akan di panggil oleh Ilahi...
Biarlah kita derita di sini...tetapi tak sakit di Sana di kemudian hari..
sedangkan waktu laksana pedang jika tidak dipintas,
sepantas kilat ia akan memintas...
Ku mohon pada mu Tuhan..berkati amalan kami...
Sesungguh Engkaulah Matlamat hidup ini..
Redha di cari...Rahmah Mu bersemi...
Ya Allah berikan kekuatan itu..moga kami terus tabahkan hati...

Diari perjuangan ini..
Kita harus koreksi diri..
Perjuangan bukan medan mengukur kekuatan...
bukan juga pentas mempamer kebijaksanaan,
Perjuangan adalah gambaran keikhlasan hati..dalam
Menyebarkan risalah Nabi SAW..
Mengembang Islam di muka bumi..
Usah kita risau apa yang akan di beri..
yang datangnya ikhlas dari hati akan mereka rasai...

“Ya Allah Engkau mengetahui bahawa hati-hati ini telah berkumpul kerana mengasihiMu, bertemu untuk mematuhi Mu, bersatu memikul beban dakwah Mu, hati-hati ini telah mengikat janji setia untuk mendaulat dan menyokong syari’atMu, maka eratkanlah Ya Allah ikatannya.Kekalkan lah kemesraan antara hati-hati ini akan jalanNya yg sebenar.Penuhkan hati ini dengan cahaya Rabbani Mu yang tidak kunjung malap.Lapangkan hati-hati ini dengan limpah iman dan keyakinan dan keindahan tawakkal kepada Mu.Hidup suburkan hati-hati ini dengan ma’rifat tentang Mu, Jika Engkau takdirkan mati, maka matikanlah pemilik hati-hati ini sebagai para syuhada dalam perjuangan agama Mu.Engkaulah sebaik-baik sandaran dan sebaik-baik penolong.Ya Allah perkenankanlah permintaan ini...
Ya Allah restuilah dan sejahterakanlah junjungan kami Muhammad, keluarga dan pada sahabat baginda semuanya...amminnnnn Ya Rabbal ‘Alalmin...”

.....Catatan Naurah 9/03/2010....

Saturday, March 6, 2010

~thank you Allah~

I was so far from you

Yet to me you were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes toward the signs
You put in my way
I walked everyday
further and further away from you

Ooooo Allah, you brought me home
I thank you with every breath I take

الحمد لله الحمد لله
All praises to Allah

I never thought about
All the things you have given to me
I never thanked you once
I was too proud
to see the truth
And prostrate to you
Until I took the first step
And that's when you opened the doors for me
Now Allah, I realized what I was missing
By being far from you

الحمد لله
All praises to Allah

Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank you for all the things that you've done
You've done for me through all my years I've been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
And did you give me hope

O Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank you for all the things that you've done
You've done for me through all my years I've been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
I wanna thank you for bringing me home

الحمد لله
All praises to Allah

by: Maher Zain

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